Biodiversity Sri Lanka is excited to announce the launch of the latest initiative in our “LIFE” series: called “Life to Our Coral Reefs – Project Kayankerni.” Set to commence this quarter, this groundbreaking conservation effort aims to protect the vibrant yet fragile coral ecosystems in Sri Lanka’s Kayankerni Marine Sanctuary, located in the Batticaloa District.

Coral reefs, though covering less than 1% of the world’s oceans, are home to 25% of all marine species. They provide critical ecosystem services such as coastal protection, food, recreation, and livelihoods for local communities. In the Kayankerni area, approximately 37% of the population relies on fishing and related activities for their livelihoods, underscoring the need for sustainable practices to ensure the long-term survival of this ecosystem.

Overcoming Challenges

Despite being one of Sri Lanka’s less disturbed marine environments, Kayankerni Reef faces several challenges. Unsustainable fishing practices, such as bottom-set nets, and the illegal use of explosives outside protected areas are contributing to coral damage and species loss. Agricultural runoff from the Maduru Oya basin, and nutrient-rich effluents from expanding aquaculture further threaten this delicate ecosystem. Without timely intervention, these factors could lead to further degradation of the reef.

In addition to the immediate threats posed by unsustainable fishing and pollution, climate change is emerging as a growing danger to the Kayankerni Reef. Rising sea temperatures are causing coral bleaching, a phenomenon where corals lose their vibrant colors and, more critically, their symbiotic algae, which are essential for their survival. This not only weakens the corals but also reduces their ability to support the diverse marine life that depends on them. According to research, even a slight increase in water temperature can trigger widespread bleaching events. Furthermore, ocean acidification, driven by increased carbon dioxide absorption, weakens coral skeletons, making them more susceptible to damage from storms and human activities. Without intervention, these climate-induced pressures could drastically reduce the reef’s resilience, undermining both biodiversity and the livelihoods of the local communities dependent on its health .

Meaningful Partnerships

In partnership with the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) and Blue Resources Trust (BRT), BSL is spearheading the Life to Our Coral Reefs project as a Nature-based Solution (NbS) to address these threats. The project aims to restore the reef’s ecological balance while enhancing the livelihoods of the surrounding communities. In addition to safeguarding the coral ecosystem, the project will focus on protecting approximately 1,400 acres of mangroves and 20 acres of seagrass meadows, contributing to the overall health of the marine environment.

Guided by the IUCN Global Nature-based Solutions Standard, BSL will undertake baseline monitoring with the BRT under DWC supervision. This science-driven approach will ensure that we deliver measurable environmental and socio-economic benefits, building resilience and promoting ecosystem renewal.

We are pleased to announce that Commercial Bank, Dilmah Tea Company, and Citizens Development Business (CDB) PLC have already come on board as pioneering partners for this initiative. Commercial Bank and Dilmah officially signed agreements at our recent board meeting, while CDB completed their partnership at the BSL’s Annual General Meeting. With these valuable collaborators, BSL is ready to commence this transformative project. Our goal is to secure 10 private sector partners, creating a coalition dedicated to the preservation of Sri Lanka’s marine biodiversity.

Come join us for Coral Conservation

As we embark on this exciting journey, we invite more like-minded organizations to join us in safeguarding our coral reefs and ensuring a sustainable future for both nature and people. Join us to create a lasting impact on biodiversity and empower local communities to embrace sustainable practices that ensure the long-term health of the marine environment. Let’s build a coalition of committed partners who are passionate about marine conservation, where each contribution – be it financial support, expertise, or resources – will bring us closer to achieving our collective goals.

Join us in this crucial mission to save the Kayankerni Reef. Your partnership can help shape a brighter future, one where vibrant coral ecosystems thrive, and local communities flourish in harmony with nature. Together, we can foster a sustainable legacy that benefits both the environment and future generations.

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Biodiversity Sri Lanka

Biodiversity Sri Lanka (BSL) is an entirely private sector owned and driven platform established to promote strong engagement of the corporate sector in Biodiversity and environmental conservation issues in Sri Lanka.