The story that butterflies tell you about ecological restoration….
Our LIFE Journey began four years ago in February 2018 with ten private sector companies partnering with Biodiversity Sri Lanka for restoration of a 10ha degraded forest land located in the Kanneliya Forest Reserve under the able guidance of IUCN and the Forest Department.
From trees…
After years of astute planning and rigorous implementation and monitoring, despite multiple challenges, the Project has shown remarkable progress in restoring this land. At the end of the fourth year of restoration, over 18,000 plants have been grown at the site from 46 plant species including Hora, Wal Del, Bata Domba, Alu bo, Naa, Pelan, and Diyapara. Some of the native shrub species (Maha bovitiya – Melastoma malabaricum and Veraniya – Hediotis fruticans) have emerged naturally in the site after the systematic removal of the invasive Kekilla. Also, the exotic species Alstonia (Alstonia macrophylla) has been observed alongside native shrub species. Despite, Alstonia being an invasive plant, for another couple of years, the Alstonia plants will be maintained to obtain shade and to increase the soil carbon level in the site. Some of the naturally occurred pioneering species include Milla, Kekuna, Kenda, and Geduma.
To butterflies…
Above all, one significant indication that the Project is heading in the right direction is the colonization of butterfly species at the restoration site. Lomove et al (2006) conclude that butterflies are a good indicator species to assess the progress of the ecological restoration. The comparison on the presence of butterfly species before restoration commenced and after four years of restoration is astounding. The biodiversity survey which was done before restoration work commenced in 2017 showed no records of butterflies at the site itself whilst 14 species of butterflies were recorded from the adjacent forest control plot. Nevertheless, a recent biodiversity survey has recorded 22 butterfly species at the restoration site. This remarkable development can be attributed to multiple reasons including the change in the habitat structure from a fern land to a shrub forest and the natural regeneration of plant species such as Weraniya and Maha Bovitiya.
Butterfly Species recorded at the restoration site were Tailed jay, Five bar swordtail, Bluebottle, Crimson rose, Blue Mormon, Ceylon birdwing, Lemon emigrant, Mottled Emigrant, and Jezebel. Three-spot grass yellow, One-spot grass yellow, Psyche, Tawny costor, Tree nymph, Grey pansy, Tree nymph, Chocolate soldier, Gladeye bush brown, White four-ring, Ceylon Cerulean, Yamfly, and Chestnut Bob., 06 of which are endangered species and the others being Indigenous.
This is exciting and remarkable news for us!

BSL signs a Partnership Agreement with its Patron Member – Sampath Bank LIFE TO OUR MANGROVES
Biodiversity Sri Lanka (BSL) and Sampath Bank PLC exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding to partner in the multi-partner mangrove restoration project as a Nature-based Solution (NbS) using a private-public partnership approach. The project is expected to generate multiple environmental as well as socio-economic benefits. Overall, the intervention will enhance the resilience of the mangrove ecosystem, its capacity for renewal, and the provision of ecosystem services, whilst contributing to the socio-economic development of local communities. The signing took place at the Sampath Bank Head Office by the Bank’s Group Chief Human Resources Officer Mr. Lalith Weragoda and Biodiversity Sri Lanka’s Director Mr. Shahid Sangani who is also the Managing Director of Dynawash Ltd.
On the 12th of December 2021, Biodiversity Sri Lanka and the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to implement this project. Mr. M. G. C. Sooriyabandara, Director-General of the Department of Wildlife Conservation, and Mr. Chandrarathna D Vithanage, Director of Biodiversity Sri Lanka, signed this document at the Department of Wildlife Conservation. The project ‘LIFE To Our Mangroves’ was officially launched on the 7th of February 2022 by Biodiversity Sri Lanka and its members.
Known as ‘the Lungs of the Sea’, mangrove ecosystems provide critical services for the maintenance and well-being of global biodiversity. They are also of equal importance to humans living in the tropical belt, in terms of the ecosystem services that they provide, and the options offered by them as livelihoods to the major proportion of populations that live in the coastal zones of the region. In the context of the single-most debilitating challenge that humankind faces currently, mangroves play a significant role in fighting climate change as unique and productive Carbon sinks, and by acting as a protective barrier for human settlements, against heightened natural disasters resulting from increased global temperatures. Therefore, there is the special and increased focus being laid on the conservation and wise use of mangrove ecosystems around the world.
Mangrove ecosystems cover a land area of 0.23% of the total land area of Sri Lanka. In order to prioritize the protection of these mangrove forests, and more so urgently – a national policy to conserve and sustainably utilize mangrove ecosystems in Sri Lanka, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in March 2020.
Anaiwilunda Wetland Sanctuary, which covers an area of 1,397 ha, consists of forest wetlands including mangroves, coastal saltwater ecosystems, and freshwater lakes. It is located along the coastal belt between Chilaw and Puttalam in the Northwestern Province of Sri Lanka. It is one of Sri Lanka’s six RAMSAR wetlands. The sanctuary provides shelter to a host of threatened fish, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, and many migratory birds.
From 44.5 ha of degraded mangrove forest patches within the sanctuary, the DWC has agreed to guide Biodiversity Sri Lanka in initially restoring up to 25 ha, using accepted scientific principles within a period of five years. BSL Members will play an active role in this effort. The first two years will focus on planning, forging community partnerships, land preparation, nursery establishment, and planting activities. Years three-five will be allocated for gap filling and maintenance. Activities will be guided by IUCN’s Global Nature-based Solutions Standard. Baseline monitoring for the entire site is being undertaken by the DWC and monitoring of the BSL site will be in keeping with this overall M&E process.
We look forward to a very fruitful partnership with the Bank!

In commemoration of World Endangered Species Day
The third Friday in May every year is designated as Endangered Species Day. In commemoration, BSL hosted an educational session on endangered species for students from its Patron Member, Stafford International School Colombo. This event reminded us of how vulnerable some animals, plants, and insects are, and inspired us to learn more about why it is so vital to conserve them. This is a day when people talk about solutions and educate their families and friends about how they can help protect certain species. The session for senior students of the school was conducted by Professor Sampath Seneviratne from the Department of Zoology and Environmental Science of the University of Colombo a well-known Molecular Ecology, Evolution and Ornithology Research Scientist.
Several animals have come and gone or become extinct since life originated on Earth, owing to changing physical and biological conditions in the environment. Extinction, as we all know, is a continuous natural occurrence. However, scientific evidence suggests that the current pace of species loss is far faster than the historical rate. This is something we need to consider or is a cause for concern.
Sri Lanka, the pearl of the Indian Ocean has high species diversity, ranging from elephants and leopards to marine turtles and a vast number of birds. There is a big chance of seeing the mighty blue whale in our southern and eastern oceans. Even though Sri Lanka is famous for its wildlife there are a number of wild animal and plant species that are threatened with extinction because of human behavior. Sometimes these threatened flora and fauna go extinct and are lost forever.
Prof Sampath Seneviratne
The focus of the day’s program was on threatened and extinct species. Professor Seneviratne discussed the DNA distribution of certain extinct creatures, such as the clade Dinosauria – the common name given to a group of reptiles, often very large, that first appeared roughly 245 million years ago. Sri Lanka was a peninsula for most of the Indian geological history. Dinosaurs have been discovered on what was India’s northwest coast, present-day Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. However, we did not discover Mesozoic rock in Sri Lanka because it has either been eroded away to reveal Precambrian rock or has been buried beneath layers of Cenozoic rock. The early human remains in Sri Lanka, for example, can be found in the Balangoda caves. The Mesozoic is represented only by two Jurassic Limestone patches in Puttalam. It is not impossible to find dinosaurs in coastal marine deposits, although none have been discovered so far.
(Picture Credit – The Rainforest Ecolodge – Sinharaja)
Referring to the present context, Professor Seneviratne mentioned that Sri Lanka has a higher number of endemic animal species, as well as one of the highest rates of biological endemism in the world. There are around 21 endemic mammals, 26 endemic birds, 113 endemic reptiles, 112 endemic amphibians, 50 endemic fish, and countless insect species in Sri Lanka, including 24 endemic butterflies such as Mycalesis Rama (Cingalese Bushbrown) and Elymnias Singhala (Ceylon Palm fly). The Sri Lankan junglefowl, Purple-faced langur, and the Sri Lanka Blue Magpie are some of the common endemic fauna, that can be observed in the country. The distribution of these animals across Sri Lanka varies depending on the country’s environmental variability. The Sinharaja World Heritage site is home to 21 of the 26 endemic bird species, making it one of the most endemism-rich ecosystems on the planet.

Aitken Spence Travels first to be certified for Occupational Health and Safety
Aitken Spence Travels proved their commitment to upholding exemplary benchmarks in occupational health and safety by becoming the first destination management company in Sri Lanka to receive the ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management certification.
Certified by the SGS United Kingdom Ltd., the scope covered in the assessment includes destination management services, inbound tourism, and activities including support services carried out at Aitken Spence Travels.
This is just one of the ways Aitken Spence Travels adds greater value to its stakeholders and sets benchmarks in the industry. An OHS management system focuses on establishing ongoing, systemic measures to identify and control OHS hazards and risks (including system deficiencies) in the working environment to safeguard the wellbeing of all stakeholders.
“This is yet another important step towards affirming to our employees, customers, partners, and other key stakeholders the value we place on occupational health and safety and our continuous efforts to improve and offer the best services in the industry. I thank the management team for their continuous support and dedication towards achieving this certification which is commendable” commented Aitken Spence Travels Managing Director Nalin Jayasundera.
This is one of the many certifications obtained by Aitken Spence Travels. The company maintains the Travelife Partnership Certification for its operations keeping in line with global sustainable tourism practices and has a longstanding partnership with TUI. Aitken Spence Travels was also the first destination management company to obtain ISO 9001:2008. Furthermore, the company’s operations are ISO 14001:2015 certified for their efforts toward environmental impact control.
Aitken Spence Travels, part of the diversified blue-chip conglomerate Aitken Spence PLC, is a joint venture with TUI Travel PLC, the world’s largest integrated tourism company. The Group’s destination management arm handles inbound and outbound tour packages for groups, FIT (Free Independent Travellers), and the MICE segments (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) which operate in a highly competitive and tumultuous business environment.

Invest In Our Planet
Earth Day is celebrated each year on April 22nd, to create awareness about the vital need to protect our planet from environmental destruction. This year’s theme was ‘Invest in Our Planet’ which indicates the need for quick, urgent actions to shift from a carbon-intensive, destructive development model. It called on governments, businesses, and citizens to act boldly, innovatively, and equitably to save the planet. People world over undertook several eco-friendly activities on Earth Day to demonstrate their commitment to protecting our planet. The day also reminds us how fragile our planet is and how it is important to save it from the global climate crisis that is worsening with each passing day.
Many campaigns and events were conducted this year with a particular focus on addressing the global climate crisis. Biodiversity Sri Lanka (BSL) celebrated Earth Day this year by raising awareness on some useful tips that each and every one of us can do individually to help in healing the planet.
- Walk/ cycle more and drive less – going car-free for at least one day will reduce harmful carbon emissions from using fossil fuels. It is an environmentally sound activity that have been practiced widely in developed countries.
- Plant a tree – trees provide food and oxygen. They clean air and help combat climate change
- Use a refillable water bottle- cut down on what you throw away, promote reuse behavior
- Pick up litter in your community – taking the moment to pick up any litter you see when you are out and do not dispose of your own litter in an improper way
- Make a bird feeder – place outdoor water feeders on these hot days
- Carry reusable plastic or cloth bags – buy fewer plastics
- Start a compost bin – turn your food scraps into nutrient-rich soil for your garden
Companies can invest in strong Environmental and Social Governance systems to reduce their ecological footprint substantially. They are likely to gain marketing advantages due to their sustainability standards over their peers. Some studies show a direct correlation between sustainable business practices, share prices, and business performance. It is imperative that companies incorporate sustainable business practices into their core business operations. Businesses and People, it is high time to invest in our planet!

Comprehensive Study of World’s Reptiles: More Than One in Five Reptile Species are Threatened With Extinction
Picture credits – IUCN
(Source IUCN)
Conservation efforts for other animals have likely helped protect many reptile species, according to a new study led by NatureServe, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and Conservation International. The study, published in the journal Nature, presents an analysis of the first comprehensive extinction risk assessment for reptiles on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, which found that at least 21% of all reptile species globally are threatened with extinction.
For the Nature study, a diverse research team, representing 24 countries across six continents, analyzed the conservation needs of 10,196 reptile species in comparison with mammals, birds, and amphibians. Reptiles in the study include turtles, crocodiles, lizards, snakes, and tuatara, the only living member of a lineage that evolved in the Triassic period approximately 200-250 million years ago.
The research revealed that efforts to conserve threatened mammals, birds, and amphibians are more likely than expected to co-benefit many threatened reptiles. Although reptiles are well known to inhabit arid habitats such as deserts and scrubland, most reptile species occur in forested habitats, where they –and other vertebrate groups – suffer from threats such as logging and conversion of forests to agriculture. The study found that 30% of forest-dwelling reptiles are at risk of extinction, compared with 14% of reptiles in arid habitats.
“I was surprised by the degree to which mammals, birds, and amphibians, collectively, can serve as surrogates to reptiles,” said Dr. Bruce Young, co-leader of the study and Chief Zoologist and Senior Conservation Scientist at NatureServe. “This is good news because the extensive efforts to protect better-known animals have also likely contributed to protecting many reptiles. Habitat protection is essential to buffer reptiles, as well as other vertebrates, from threats such as agricultural activities and urban development.”
The study also highlighted what we stand to lose if we fail to protect reptiles. If each of the 1,829 threatened reptiles became extinct, we would lose a combined 15.6 billion years of evolutionary history—including countless adaptations for living in diverse environments.

The Private Sector takes the lead in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Plastic Waste Management
The evolution of a dialogue on EPR for plastic waste management in Sri Lanka is considered a landmark, for finding common ground among stakeholders with divergent views on the subject. The Sri Lankan private sector was initially dissatisfied when a state-led EPR approach was mooted. Subsequently, even in the absence of legal provisions to impose EPR in the country, continuous and active involvement of the sector in developing and executing an industry-led, country-wide, plastic-type focused voluntary EPR scheme has led to a useful way forward.
Leading this dialogue, over the past few years, the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC), with the technical support of Biodiversity Sri Lanka, has been sensitizing the private sector on the critical need of introducing an EPR solution for addressing rapidly growing plastic waste in the country. With strategic direction provided by a multi-stakeholder steering committee, an EPR Roadmap was developed using a consultative approach. In this process, several sectoral stakeholder consultations targeting key industry sectors yielded some useful policy-level inputs and insights. Simultaneously, a review of global EPR practices from six countries helped to identify applicable EPR policy instruments for Sri Lanka.
The EPR Roadmap proposed three likely instruments for plastic waste management as applicable to Sri Lanka: A Deposit Refund System, an Advance Disposal Fee-based System, and a Mandatory Reporting and Collect-back System. The Roadmap also contained several over-arching proposals required to establish an efficient plastic waste management regime in Sri Lanka. A Perception Survey revealed that 90% of both government and private sector respondents endorsed the Roadmap whilst 80% of private-sector respondents expressed willingness to commit resources for the implementation of the preferred Mandatory Reporting and Collect-back System. These findings were complemented by Market and Socio-Economic Studies which provided useful information on the plastics value chain and consumer perceptions on handling plastic waste. Additionally, several key informant interviews provided more information and addressed information gaps. A consumer survey targeting 500 households across selected urban areas of the country, provided an understanding of the dynamics of household-level plastics waste management.
In moving forward, it is imperative to facilitate a continuous, transparent dialogue between all stakeholders in working out the finer details of the preferred Mandatory Reporting and Collect-back System. The Industrial sector is an effective intermediary in facilitating such a dialogue. The introduction of sudden and ad-hoc government decisions in the recent past, banning several plastic categories has contributed to many a debate among the state and private sectors on the merits and demerits of using a more holistic policy application. If EPR policy signals at the national level are not consistent, a situation may arise when the private sector may be reluctant to undertake long term investments to manage their plastic footprint. Contrary to empirical evidence, our studies show that Sri Lankan companies prefer individual EPR implementation strategies and approaches for plastic waste management, using a facilitated process under the guidance of the Government of Sri Lanka and industry associations. They can then employ their own innovative, plastic waste collection methodologies and channels and can also demonstrate commitment to minimizing plastic leakage to the environment, creating a positive brand image.

Bio credits: Incentives for Inclusive Biodiversity Conservation
(Read the full paper by Ina Porras and Paul Steele (IEED) 2019)
Tackling biodiversity loss is a growing priority for human survival. Introducing incentives for positive actions could play a key role in helping to reverse this loss. This paper explores the potential of using a novel approach to promote biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity credits or ‘bio credits’ are coherent units of measurement that track conservation actions and outcomes and can help improve tracking and transparency. Well-designed, they can make investments in biodiversity management more financially attractive, for example, by attracting private-sector finance. They can be used by governments to monitor their actions and report on biodiversity commitments. And as much of the world’s biodiversity and its richest biodiversity spots are often found in remote and poor tropical regions, we also argue that bio credits need to be inclusive, and founded on fair benefit sharing principles.
Tackling biodiversity loss is emerging as a growing priority for human survival. New data has revealed unequivocal links to ecological and economic tipping points. As a result, there is a renewed sense of urgency for institutions and systems to protect, restore and enhance biodiversity. As with carbon credits to control greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, biodiversity credits – ‘bio credits’ – are a way to finance biodiversity improvements. Bio credits can be measured, tracked, and sold to raise funding which can be used as incentives for biodiversity conservation. Special attention in its design can also result in (inclusive) solutions to deliver local benefits to poor households. Bio credits are similar in the design to biodiversity offsets (used in the USA, Australia and the UK, for example). But they differ in use.
Bio credits are not designed to offset or compensate for actions with negative impacts on biodiversity elsewhere. In this sense, they are less contentious and do not depend on strict (and often unfeasible) legislation. In addition, few countries have national systems in place to promote and monitor biodiversity offsets. Even fewer of these systems are applicable to developing countries, where local inclusion and fairly sharing benefits are particularly important. This discussion paper examines the potential for developing countries to put in place a national scheme of bio credits that can be domestically and internationally sold, and which promotes fair benefit sharing with rural populations. The paper draws lessons from related incentives schemes which exist in carbon markets, especially REDD+ and voluntary community carbon offsets, as well as from wider examples of payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes. Much can be learned from experiences with these related incentive schemes, which include species conservation banking (USA), eco-credits (Germany), a national PES scheme (Costa Rica), and wildlife credits (Namibia).
Based on the literature reviewed, we identified ways to develop a national bio credit scheme in a developing country. To date, no such bio credit scheme exists, but this paper sets out four key building blocks or characteristics needed to implement such a scheme:
- Simple, transparent, and cost-effective design
- Enabling policy from the government for implementation
- Market engagement to attract buyers and generate sales, and
- Inclusive and fair benefits for local people.
With the growing emphasis on biodiversity in the run-up to the 2020 United Nations Biodiversity Conference, it is likely that interest in incentive-type mechanisms such as bio credits will only grow. Done properly, bio credits may develop into a viable option to improve biodiversity conservation and reduce poverty.

A Capacity Building Tool-kit for Collectors/Recyclers
The Project “Enhancing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) through a Public-Private Partnership Approach” which is implemented by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) in partnership with Biodiversity Sri Lanka (BSL) with the endorsement of the Ministry of Environment (MoE) conducted a Training of Trainers workshop to introduce a Capacity Building Toolkit on waste collection/ recycling to the field staff of the Central Environmental Authority (CEA) and the Western Provincial Waste Management Authority (WPWMA) on February 25, 2022, at Grand Monarch, Thalawathugoda.
The main objective of the workshop was to impart knowledge on plastic waste collection and recycling among the staff of CEA and WPWMA and through them transfer knowledge to collectors/ recyclers in Sri Lanka. The trained persons will conduct a series of training programs targeting collectors and recyclers registered with CEA and WPWMA. This Capacity Building Toolkit was developed with the support of the National Cleaner Production Centre – Sri Lanka (NCPC Sri Lanka) under the USAID-funded Municipal Waste Recycling Project (MWRP).
Mr. Chandrarathna D Vithanage, Senior Assistant Secretary-General, CCC/Project Manager welcomed the participants and Ms. Nihani Riza, Project Management Specialist from the Office of Economic Growth, USAID Mission and Eng. J. M. U. Indrarathne, Deputy Director-General, Waste Management Division, CEA delivered opening remarks. Ms. Riza provided a quick overview of USAID’s efforts in tackling plastic waste issues globally. She was thankful to the Clean Cities Blue Ocean (CCBO) Program’s partners for contributing to achieve the goals of sustainable consumption and production, waste management, pollution reduction, climate change mitigation, and human health advancement. Mr. Indrarathne emphasized on the negative impacts that plastics generate on ecology across the world. He stated that Sri Lanka has enacted several regulations between 2017 and 2020 to address the plastic waste issue. Whilst recognizing the importance of the toolkit to build technical capabilities and financial prospects of collectors/ recyclers in Sri Lanka, he thanked USAID, the CCBO project, and the CCC for undertaking this all-important initiative.
The resource personnel from NCPC introduced the Capacity Building Toolkit to the participants. Following the introductory presentation, group work enabled the participants to present various chapters of the toolkit. The objective of this session was to ensure familiarity with its contents. The post-lunch session was entirely dedicated to a group case study on recycling operations. The participants were asked to identify regulatory matters, technical and financial considerations, environmental and social aspects, and cost calculations of recycling operations based on the details given in the case study. All the groups calculated cost efficiencies correctly and some of them came up with economically viable suggestions through which the cost of recycling operations can be reduced.
The workshop saw active and enthusiastic participation of the CEA and WMA staff. One of the highlights was when making presentations by the participants, using examples from their practical experiences, which is a positive case in transmitting knowledge to collectors and recyclers. During the last session of the workshop, a plan was discussed to organize three capacity-building workshops for collectors and recyclers in Colombo, Gampaha, and Kalutara Districts during the next two months.

We recently celebrated the International Day of Women and Girls in Science and International Women’s Day: In this edition we look at Women in Conservation – Easy or not so easy?
Why do we always want to highlight women in different roles? Why cannot we talk about people in conservation in general? As people who want to do something different, to make a change. Born and raised in a region like ours we put things differently, don’t we? Cultural and social norms play a huge part – in challenging women in unconventional job roles. Even though the world is changing in the way men and women are seen in different job roles, we do see them as men and women!
Due to personal commitments and raising a family – most women give up or take a break from their work. Some return, some don’t. There is even a certain age that women need to “settle down”. Often when women stay single, it is frowned upon. Many female graduates end up in desk jobs rather than working in the field. Because as they say – women are born to do documentation and not implementation!
Having both men and women working together is essential for conservation, sharing knowledge, and taking on different roles and responsibilities. But many organizations, authorities, and others exclude women from participating, especially in decision-making roles. Hence the critical need for having both men and women working together for sustainable management of natural resources is missed. There is also the fact that on many occasions, women tend to wait for the opportunity to be given and not take to speaking up – thus likely to be in the background not voicing their opinion. A reason to lose opportunities
Women naturally bond with nature – they are caregivers, bearers of children, nurturers, and a must add-on – getting things done one way or the other. Therefore, women need to be equally and actively involved in processes of conservation as they play a critical role as land managers and resource users. Simply put, effective conservation is not possible without the voices, knowledge, solutions, and contributions of women – especially since they do makeup half of the world’s population. The adaptive capabilities of women make them important resources in addressing climate and environmental challenges.
Being a conservationist or a field researcher is not easy for any person. There is a lot of hard work and commitment put into it. If both males and females equally put in their commitment 100%, then each should get equal opportunities. Unfortunately, this is not the case as at many events – women must make an extra effort to come to a position. This is debatable, but obvious when you see statistics and the roles played by women in conservation in the field and at leading roles – making up less than 30% in research alone.
A woman’s role in conserving biodiversity plays a significant part as they know how to manage resources more sustainably; take our mothers as a very strong example. In terms of influencing – the home is the best place to raise people to be more conscious, share and care about each other more: for women, these are natural instincts and capabilities to build a resilient family unit.
Thus, educating not only girls but also boys in conservation is a must. Educating that there are differences between men and women is all right – it is a must. Educating and creating awareness that both men and women can share the same job role on many occasions, that some can be better at it and to pay respect to each other is also a must. We need to learn that without working together, we cannot fight against wildlife crime, and climate change, eradicate poverty or simply live a healthy sustainable life.
Written by Mega Ganeshan