Saving Colombo Wetland through Environmental Nursing
An article as appeared on Daily Mirror Newspaper dated on 13th January 2015
Watawala commissions study on biodiversity in tea estates
An article as appeared on The Island dated on 27th of July, 2014.
SLBBP gets New Advisory Commitee
The Sri Lanka Business and Biodiversity (SL B&B) Platform of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce recently appointed its second Advisory Committee for its new term of operation. The overall mandate of the Platform is to encourage dialogue amongst stakeholders, and to help raise awareness on biodiversity and sustainability issues amongst the Sri Lankan business community. Working to assist companies in understanding and mainstreaming biodiversity, the Platform has the ultimate aim of ensuring that a majority of companies will eventually be on a sustainable ecological footing with a vastly reduced negative impact upon biodiversity.
The new Advisory committee comprises the following team.
Mr. Dilhan C. Fernando – Director Marketing of Ceylon Tea Services PLC, the new Chairman of the Advisory Committee and representative of Dilmah Conservation, Dr. Ananda Mallawatanti, representing the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), Mr. Samantha Ranatunga, representing the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Prema Cooray, representing the Business and Environmental Sector expertise and Mr. A. J. Alles and Mr. Sumal Perera, representing the Private Sector.
Sampath Bank Celebrates Green Day
Sri Lanka Business and Biodiversity Platform’s patron member Sampath Bank PLC celebrates ‘Green Day’ on the theme ‘Love Life – Love Nature’.
The monthly lecture of the Wild Life and Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka on Unorthodox Whales of Sri Lanka by Asha De Vos, a Marine Biologist and Educator with a strong affinity for marine mammals on 17th July 2014 at the Department of Meteorology Auditorium.

SLBBP General Membership Now Open!
General Membership of the Sri Lanka Business and Biodiversity Platform is now open to all corporate establishments based in Sri Lanka.
If you are a private sector organization that wants to make a shift in thinking on environmental/biodiversity conservation issues or if you are already engaged in environmental/biodiversity conservation activities as a part of your core business or CSR strategy, applying for membership with the Sri Lanka Business and Biodiversity Platform would bring you immense benefits. For more information and the application form, see here…

SL Forest Cover to Increase to 35% by 2020
In a move to increase the country’s forest cover from the current 29.7% to 35% by 2020, the Sri Lankan government has pledged support to plant an additional 900,000acres and protect it via newly established Forest Security Committees at GS Division level. Read more…

Virtusa’s ‘Code Green’ Wins Gold
Sri Lanka Business and Biodiversity Platform’s Patron Member – Virtusa (Pvt.) Ltd. – bagged the Gold award at the National Green Awards 2013/2014, for its ‘Code Green’ initiative which focuses on minimizing the company’s environmental footprint and contributing to the mitigation of Climate Change. National Green Awards is organized by the Central Environmental Authority annually with the aim of recognizing efforts of organizations committed to developing a clean and green Sri Lanka. More…
Picture courtesy of The Island